once charges have been added to an account, a quickbooks invoice generated and synced to Quickbooks, can the Quickbooks invioce be viewed, printed, emailed, etc., from within the CommitCRM software?
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Re: Print Quickbooks invoice from within RangerMSP?
When you create an Invoice in QuickBooks from RangerMSP, this generates a native QuickBooks Invoice, and it should then be managed in QuickBooks, like any other Invoice.
In RangerMSP, once a Charge has been billed (i.e. is part of an invoice), you can see the Invoice reference number in the billed Charge window title (e.g. Billed (Invoice #98)).
You can also find all Charges in RangerMSP which are part of a specific invoice, by going to the Charges window, click the QB icon on the tool-bar and select Filter by Invoice Reference.