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Interface and Workflows

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    Interface and Workflows

    I know this subject has been brought up numerous times, and in the spirit of keeping it alive the following question:

    1. Are there any plans for incorporating workflow automation into the package anytime soon (2021)?
    2. Are there any planned updates to modernize the interface soon (2021)?


    Re: Interface and Workflows

    Thank you for posting this and asking.

    In general, yes, we always add new automation features. As you may have noticed yourself, a lot of such new features and options have been added in the last few version releases, these include automating recurring Tickets, automating recurring Charges, automation with smart ticket assignments, as well automating Contract renewals (monthly, yearly, etc.). We definitely plan to enhance the app in this direction in the future.

    We also change the interface frequently, some love it, others think we better spend our time building "real" features rather than changing how things look :-) In the, now latest, version - 26, we included system display changes for better experience on high resolution monitors (i.e. the app looks sharp even with 3,840x2,160 displays resolution). We introduced mobile Web enhancements that save tons of clicks and taps, and more. If you asked whether we'd be changing the interface inside-out, I guess the answer would be no, but rather major incremental changes unlike breaking the familiar interface with a new one.

    In any case, thank you for asking this. Your feedback is much appreciated.

