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Using the email connector with only

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    Using the email connector with only

    We updated to the latest version so we wouldn't need to know the users exact email address to send tickets to the connector.

    Well, it doesn't work for me. I tried 2 times by putting only into the subject line and both times the ticket gets created under our company account.

    Does something else need to be turned on?

    Re: Using the email connector with only

    This should all work as expected - subject to one requirement -

    Under the customer account that domain should be listed as the "email" address of a secondary contact (or set as such to one of the email addresses at the Account level).

    In other words - if you configure a catch-all domain, as an email address, then this should work.

    Please verify that such a domain is stored for this account and let us know how it goes.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Using the email connector with only

      the clients' domain is listed in email2 as


        Re: Using the email connector with only


        Which is required even to use the previous feature of the email connector.


          Re: Using the email connector with only

 should be added to the beginning of the subject line. Please verify that it is, in case it will get added elsewhere it will be considered a part of the subject line.

          In case this won't help - does it work when including the entire email address (again at the beginning) unlike only the domain part?


            Re: Using the email connector with only

            It still works when using in the subject line

            Actually, I think the issue is a bug we've noticed before.
            When the only thing in the subject is the email, it doesn't always make a proper ticket. it gets confused...


              Re: Using the email connector with only

              Indeed, in order to create Tickets on behalf of the customer using the @... method (by email or using a catch-all domain), the subject line should contain at least some text after the domain/email address. This is normally the case when forwarding customer emails, in case the subject line is nevertheless empty, make sure you add something.

              Hope this helps!


                Re: Using the email connector with only

                So not a bug, a feature? Ill try again with something in the subject line...


                  Re: Using the email connector with only

                  Previously, when we wanted to attach an email to an existing ticket, we send it to ranger and put (only) the ticket number in the subject line.

                  After the upgrade will this still work?


                    Re: Using the email connector with only

                    Should work the same, just make sure you don't use empty subject lines.


                      Re: Using the email connector with only

                      It does not work with just the @domain in the subject line even with other words in the subject. I just tried:

             email password

                      and got this back:

                      *** Errors occurred while processing the attached Email.
                      You should process this Email manually.

                      Email address was not found in RangerMSP database and therefore was forwarded for manual processing.

                      In order to prevent such cases you should add this email address to an Account or Contact record in RangerMSP.

                      You can also configure a domain catch-all rule for the relevant Account in RangerMSP.
                      Such a rule will cause the system to identify any incoming email from this domain as related to this Account.


                        Re: Using the email connector with only

                        Based on the error it seems that the domain does not exist under the Account/Contact.

                        In case the domain is listed, it is possible that a database index got damaged and you should try reindexing the database using these instructions.

                        Please let us know whether it helped.


                          Re: Using the email connector with only

                          The domain is listed in the account as the primary email account and under email2 as

                          This happens with multiple accounts. An index issue with all of them?


                            Re: Using the email connector with only

                            Yes, I recommend that you try to reindex and see how it goes. Relying on a, possibly, old/broken database index might break searches. Such cases are rare though, though nevertheless give it a try.

                            Please let us know how it goes. In case the problem will persist, we'll be happy to review your log files (please share them with us over email).

