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POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

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    POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

    Hi Support

    We suddenly receive this error in our CRM, please help ASAP.
    ServerConfig return all tests pass and we can log on mail account without problems
    No mails can be processed right now.

    We have log folder ready.

    16-07-2021 14:29

    POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted
    Error Code Received from your POP3 Mail Server: 500
    This code is returned from your mail server. It is NOT a RangerMSP error code.
    If you are not familiar with this error code please run a Web search to learn more about it.
    Failed while trying to connect to your POP3 mail server.

    Verify that the mail server is running.
    Run the RangerMSP Server Configuration utility (<Installation-Folder>\Server\ServerConfig.exe), review your settings and run the configuration tests.
    Once you handle the above issue, restart CRM Server service so another pop attempts will occur.
    For more information visit RangerMSP online support resources at

    Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

    From what you described it seems like for some reason the mail server does not let the app pop new email messages from the mailbox.

    First thing to try is probably to restart the the CRM Server Windows service on your server and see if that helps. You should also consider restarting the hosting server and see if that helps. Also, if you have access to the mail server mailbox log files - please review them and see whether anything is logged there about refusing the POP.

    Please post back and let us know how it goes.


      Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

      Make sure the mail is authorized for POP3. By default it is not.


        Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

        I am having the same issue as of 2:33 am this morning. Just noticed it around noon. Have restarted CRMServer and CRMRMM Server serveral times. Have restarted Ranger server. Still not retrieving messages. What logs should I examine to source the error.

        All RangerCRM server tests pass, however not retrieving / sending messages.

        (I suspect maybe Microsoft may require special APP password in lieu of 2FA, but it has been working for six months or more after 2fa implementation. I will revert if this is the issue)


          Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

          > Connecting to Pop3 server...
          ! Starting SSL handshake
          SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, key auth RSA, key exchange ECDH, encryption AESGCM(256), message auth AEAD
          < +OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready. [QgBOADAAUABSasdfasdfasdfMAAwADUANQAuAG4AYQBtAHAAcg BkADAAMwAuAHAAcgBvAGQALgBvAHUAdABsAG8AbwBrAC4AYwBv AG0A]
          > USER
          < +OK
          < +OK User successfully logged on.
          > STAT
          < +OK 3 476850
          > LIST
          < +OK 3 476850
          > QUIT
          < +OK Microsoft Exchange Server POP3 server signing off.


            Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

            Interesting. No 2fa should be enabled to this mailbox as it won't be able to connect. diaz79 does pass the ServerConfig tests, so that might be a different issue.



              Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

              I just checked, it is not 2fa. It is not enabled for this address. POP is enabled. The above test is a PASS as far as I can read it, but it is not being retrieved. (seems there is no test for actual retrieval) What log file should I be looking for?


                Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                How to fix?????

                POP3 error 500 POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted 0

                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:284 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                < +OK 1 136406
                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:284 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                FPop3Client.RequestDone - 1 0 13

                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:284 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                > RETR 1

                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:644 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                < -ERR Message corrupted

                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:644 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                FPop3Client.RequestDone - 1 0 7

                [16/07/2021 13:52:21:659 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_135217_7444_542365 (c:2240,8C0 m:7444,1D14) ]
                Proc_Name=DaTEMailsPop3ClientReceiver_Unit.HandleE rror
                RqType = 7 POP3 error 500 POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted 0


                  Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                  Following troubleshooting with Microsoft, I removed all messages in the inbox.
                  I restarted RMM Server
                  I sent a NEW support request.
                  I restarted RMM Server

                  ---- STILL NOT WORKING ------

                  I will open a RangerMSP support ticket.

                  [16/07/2021 14:02:02:578 v11.0.25000.29 - 3.1.26000.18 ** 16072021_140158_7452_56703 (c:8724,2214 m:7452,1D1C) ]
                  Proc_Name=DaTEMailsPop3ClientReceiver_Unit.HandleE rror
                  RqType = 7 POP3 error 500 POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted 0

                  Woe is me.....


                    Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                    Hi Support

                    We could not find any errors in the log files.

                    Therefore we have moved the mailbox to another server in Office 365 with powershell and this help in our case.

                    Issue is resolved.


                      Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                      Thank you for the update and it's great that you managed to resolve it.


                        Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                        I tried to pop with a Thunderbird, two different accounts at O365 and was unsuccessful. I spent an hour online with Microsoft Support and they were unable to find any reported issues, although the agent was able to replicate the problem and unable to pop email from his local machine using Thunderbird email client. Sunday, the email connector started working by itself and I could pop with Thunderbird. Charging this one off to an error on Microsoft's side. Another 4 hours down the tubes. So grand to be a Microsoft Partner.


                          Re: POP3 error -ERR Message corrupted

                          Interesting! Thanks for the update.

