Our RMM Integration with GFi MAX (N-abel) have suddenly stop working.
In log files we can find this error:
************************************************** *
************************************************** *
ERROR (DLL v.1.1.28000.25 ThredID: 8860; 06/04/2022 17:16:24): error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure
void __thiscall Operations::CheckForResolvedTickets(class ErrorInfo &)
unsigned long __stdcall WorkerThread::MainLoop(void *)
parameter 1: 00000000
************************************************** *
We are running on latest version of RangerMSP and we have tried re-installation of RMM server, new API token and we have check server url, it's the same.
Any suggestions on this meter!
Our RMM Integration with GFi MAX (N-abel) have suddenly stop working.
In log files we can find this error:
************************************************** *
************************************************** *
ERROR (DLL v.1.1.28000.25 ThredID: 8860; 06/04/2022 17:16:24): error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure
void __thiscall Operations::CheckForResolvedTickets(class ErrorInfo &)
unsigned long __stdcall WorkerThread::MainLoop(void *)
parameter 1: 00000000
************************************************** *
We are running on latest version of RangerMSP and we have tried re-installation of RMM server, new API token and we have check server url, it's the same.
Any suggestions on this meter!