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Bill only completed tickets for a Contract

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    Bill only completed tickets for a Contract

    How do I bill for a specific contract only those tickets that are "Completed".
    I know I can indivdually uncheck charges that I do not want to bill but this is troublesome if you have a number of open tickets not ready to be billed.

    Re: Bill only completed tickets for a Contract


    I believe you are referring to the QuickBooks invoice creation wizard, where you select a contract for billing. At this point, when you select to bill by contract, all of the contract's billable charges appear in the window. You can then filter some out by un-checking them (as you mentioned). You also use quick-select and quick-unselect options, which allow you to select/unselect groups of charges (e.g. by ticket number, item type, etc.). At the moment, you cannot filter out charges according to the ticket status (we may add this capability in the future).

    Note that when generating charge reports, starting with version 4.4, you can restrict the charge report to display results only for "completed" tickets. To do this, go to the Secondary Filter tab (see the second tab in the "Advanced" filtering). Here you can filter charges by setting filtering terms on the charge's Contract, Account or Ticket. In this tab, click the "Ticket" filter, and set the filter to show only tickets with the relevant status.

    I hope this helps.


