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Generate tickets reports by employees, charge reports for completed tickets and more

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    Generate tickets reports by employees, charge reports for completed tickets and more

    Starting with version 4.4, you can create reports that only show you the exact information that you want thanks to the new advanced "secondary filter" option that was added to various Reports.

    Examples (many other options are available):

    Filter Ticket reports to display only Tickets related to Accounts to which a specific employee is assigned

    Filter Charge reports to display all Charges logged for Block of Time Contracts that belong to Accounts which are assigned to a specific employee

    Filter Charge reports to display only Charges for Completed Tickets that belong to Accounts of the type 'Law Office'

    To use advanced filtering, click the Expand >>> button in the Report Generation Window, and go to the Secondary Filter (Advanced) tab. In this tab, you will see the available advanced filters for this report.


    The RangerMSP Support Team