When doing a charge that takes place over night for example, 11am - 1am for a big project, it would not allow to calculate that hours automatically. How can we allow it to calculate it automatically?
Thank You.
Re: Cannot charge overnight shift automatically
Hey Shaman-
The way I understand it you would need to set-up a separate Labor Charge Item that would bill the appropriate rate for your 'overnight labor'. Then you'd need to manually charge the hours against the appropriate Labor Type. In this case, the custom labor type you created for the 'overnight rate'.
Support Team
Re: Cannot charge overnight shift automatically
Adding charges which span on more than one date requires two separate charges (as you may have already figured out), one for each date. This is designed this way in order to overcome many obstacles, such as how to handle charges which are related to Contracts that expires on this day (and the new day is not covered by the Contract)? To what date to consider this work when printing employees activities reports? And many other questions/issues that this may cause.
In any case, note that it is very east to copy a Charge record to the next one – you can simple select the charge you just entered, right-click it and use the Copy... option. All the Charge details will already be automatically copied from the first charge, including the Account, Ticket, Contract, description etc. and you only need to fill in the time.
That said, I logged your feedback to be further evaluated. Thanks for bringing it up.