In many cases, you may wish to generate a Knowledge Base article out of a ticket which was just resolved. This can be easily done from the ticket window, using the Tickets > New Knowledge Base Article from Ticket menu option. When creating the article from the Ticket window, the ticket description will automatically be copied into the article's problem field, and the ticket resolution will automatically be copied into the article's solution field.
If you wish to keep some kind of a link between the ticket and the article for reference in the future, you can add the ticket number in the article body (e.g. between @@ to make it clearer). This way you can easily search for the article by the ticket number by searching the @ticket number@ in the Knowledge Base text search.
The RangerMSP Support Team
If you wish to keep some kind of a link between the ticket and the article for reference in the future, you can add the ticket number in the article body (e.g. between @@ to make it clearer). This way you can easily search for the article by the ticket number by searching the @ticket number@ in the Knowledge Base text search.
The RangerMSP Support Team