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Employee Colors

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    Employee Colors

    How can I assign a color to an employee so when I dispatch a ticket it will put it in with the correct color for whatever employee is assigned to it?

    Re: Employee Colors


    Setting a default color for each employee is not currently supported. The reason for this is that different customers use colors for different purposes (and not just for employee separation), for example, some use it to reflect the priority/importance of a scheduled appointments, others to separate the type of work to be done (technical/training/meeting...), others to display whether it is completed, and others to separate employees.

    Please note that in the Dispatcher view you see each employee in a different column so it is easy to know who is scheduled to what.

    You may also consider typing the employee name at the beginning of each Appointment Description so it will be easier to know which employee does what even in the Daily view. Note that when you move the mouse above the appointments in the Weekly view, it will show the employee name in the hint for the Appointment, which may be helpful.

    Anyway, we have been receiving this request from other users as well, and therefore we may support it in one of our next releases (we just need to find a way how to answer various needs and usages of appointments colors).



      Re: Employee Colors

      Would be nice to have a color selection field in the employee account area. Then in the dispatch/calendar area you could have an check box for showing employee colors. This would allow us to use them to differentiate by employee color and if others are using colors for priority or category they could just leave the check off.

      Just my 2 cents


        Re: Employee Colors

        I agree. This would be a nice feature to have. The checkbox option is a nice solution.

