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Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets

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    Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets

    We currently go onsite and fill out a work order that lists what we did and on what computers. The work order also has space to add any parts sold as well as the total time onsite and what the total charge for the visit is. The customer then signs the work order, we give them the duplicate copy and leave.

    Here are two situations that I need to figure out how to handle when working withCommitCRM.

    1) Multiple tickets have been generated for an account over a period of time. The tech goes onsite to complete these tickets. When done does he close out each ticket with the approx time required of each, print them out and have the contact sign each one? Is there a report/form that can be printed through the web interface that can show the information on each ticket completed with a total hours on it so the customer only has one form to sign?

    2) One ticket has been generated for work to be performed on multiple systems (general maintenance, windows updates, etc). How can the tech add multiple assets to the ticket so we can easily reference the work that was performed on them?

    Re: Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets


    Managing multiple issues and tickets for a single customer visit is indeed a complex subject. On one hand you want to easily produce a single charge report and let the customer sign it when on site, and on the other hand you want to have detailed work by tickets, so you will have good history for the customer, work performed, assets service history, etc. This was actually discussed in an interesting forum thread (click here to see this thread).

    At the moment, each ticket can be linked to a single asset, and you should open a separate ticket for each issue if you wish to keep good service history for the asset. This has many advantages, with some disadvantages :) - I recommend that you have a look at the thread linked above.

    As said in the other thread, this is indeed a complicated real-life subject and we will try to see how to address it in the future. We have received some helpful feedback from users already and will need to think about it more. More feedback is always welcome!



      Re: Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets

      Hi Doron,

      I've seen that article already just didn't find a good solution in it. I'm hoping to hear what other CommitCRM users are doing in these cases.

      So if you use CommitCRM please let me know how you handle these kind of situations.


        Re: Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets

        I know we go against the grain on this but we don't have the client to sign off on any ticket. The tech does the work, he gets the responsible person to check it and he is done. He records his time, and closes the ticket but he doesn't present any paperwork to the customer to sign. In 15 years I have never once had a problem. We are very selective about who we take on as clients however.


          Re: Multiple Issues, Tickets, and Assets

          Thanks for your feedback wtbservices. I can understand that this would help with #1 but it would be hard for us to stop having something showing work performed when leaving.

          Anyone else have any ideas for me on either/both of my questions?

