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New version

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    New version

    is there any time line for new versions ofCommitCRM?

    last one was July 2008

    would be good to see a time line and what features are being implemented or planned for further releases.

    There are lots of ideas being suggested here but we have no idea when/if they are going to be implemented.

    a time line would give us an opportunity to see what is a priority for development and whether that matches with us as users of the product


    Re: New version

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your question.

    Actually, on July we released version 4.4 and after that we released our currently latest version, 4.5, which was officially announced in September 2008. You can find all the information regarding our latest released versions and their contents here .

    Here at RangerMSP we are constantly working on new features and enhancements and try to release them as soon as we can, for the benefit of our users. Our priorities are constantly being evaluated against our users requests, which we receive here on the forum or directly to our support. We do our best to develop exactly what matches the needs of our users, while keeping the product simple and keep our high development standards.

    I can tell you that we are currently working on the next release which is now planned to be released during Q1/2009 and will contain many enhancements and new features which are the result of the on going feedback we received from our users.

    At this stage we cannot publish the new features list, however, we've already mentioned a few on other threads on this forum...

    As always, we will notify everyone when the new version is officially announced. Stay tuned!


