KB: Keeping Your Customers In Touch With You

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CommitCRM provides various ways for your customers to keep in touch with you, create their own service Tickets and track the status of active Tickets.

In this article you can find 2 ways to make it easier for customers to start their own service tickets.

Customers Web Interface

Commit Web Interface allows your customers to log in to the system and open their own tickets themselves. Tickets created by customers via Commit Web Interface are automatically added to the Tickets Inbox, and if using Commit Alerts Server, the Ticket Manager is automatically notified about the new Ticket by email.

The Customers Web Interface login page can be embedded to your own website, so that your users can access CommitCRM through your website.

Commit Email Connector (Email-to-Ticket)

Commit Email Connector listens on a dedicated mailbox, and creates tickets for emails arriving from customers. It then sends the client (and optionally, employees) an email notifying them a new Ticket was created.

Tickets created by customers via Commit Email Connector are automatically added to the Tickets Inbox, and if using Commit Alerts Server, the Ticket Manager is automatically notified about the new Ticket by email.

In addition, when using Commit Email Connector all email communication passes through the Email Connector and is automatically distributed to customers and employees and tracked in the Ticket History.

CommitCRM API (Advanced)

CommitCRM API provides various tools in order to read/add/update information in the CommitCRM database. These tools include: Programming API and API by Email for updating the database, and an ODBC Link for pulling information from the database.

Using these tools you can create your own web-forms and update the CommitCRM database directly.

Updating the database can be done in the following ways:

  1. Using Programming API via various scripts and connecting directly with the database.
  2. Formatting the transaction into XML transactions and sending them via Commit Email Connector which processes the transaction and updates the database.

See Also