KB: Completed Tickets and QuickBooks Invoicing

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Is there a way to mark a ticket as “Completed” automatically whenever you invoice the ticket into Quickbooks?

We would like to save the trouble of going back into an already invoiced ticket just to change its status to “Completed” since it is already a given that it is completed or else you wouldn’t have invoiced the ticket.


Invoicing the Charges is handled separately from the ticket status, and there doesn't have to be a link between the two.

You don’t necessarily need to wait for invoicing to mark the ticket as complete, since the ticket status represents the work done/pending on the ticket. You can mark the ticket as Completed right after entering the Charges, this would save you the trouble of manually going in to the ticket just to mark it completed.

You can then activate the invoice creation wizard main window from File > New > QuickBooks Invoice, and choose to create invoices for tickets. This will display only tickets which have charges waiting to be invoiced. The Charges will wait in the queue that you see in the invoice creation wizard in RangerMSP regardless of the ticket status, until you create the invoices. Once you invoice a charge, it will automatically be marked as "Billed" and the ticket will be removed from the invoice creation wizard screen.

This will help you make sure you do not forget to charge for any of the tickets, since only tickets with charges waiting to be invoiced, will appear in the wizard.

For more information, please click here.