KB: Web Interface - How to Add Customer Signature to Custom Report

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(Starting with RangerMSP 9 technicians can use Web Interface to get customers sign on the Ticket.)

System Technician Service forms already have the signature field included, however it should be added manually to the custom service forms.

Go to Reports window and select the report, click 'Design' to enter Report Designer > add new DbImage field and click in the report body to place the field.

Then from the first drop down field on the toolbar select DatDgSignDp and then select ‘Tickets - Digital Signature' :

Right click the signature field and select ‘Position’:

Set Width=230 and Height=130 (the recommended signature size):

(Note: These dimensions are in Screen Pixels. The Report Designer units can be set from Reports menu > Units.)

Click OK and save the report.

‘RangerMSP Web Interface’ service should be restarted to apply the changes.

Technician can capture customer signature:

The signed Service Form is downloaded as PDF and saved as a document under the Ticket: