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Sales Tax Frustrations

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    Sales Tax Frustrations

    I've brought this up before... but could we get some clarity from the top on what the motivation is behind maintaining sales tax rates at an item level? Could we have ONE example where that is beneficial? (OK, I can think of a couple, but really... does anyone use this?)

    My biggest frustration with Commit's sales tax system is that it has NO expandability. NONE. I live in the US as do most of your users. Here we live in states that have hundreds of counties. We have to track sales tax BY county. There is NO way to do this in CommitCRM. Quickbooks, yes. But what if I don't want everyone to have to use Quickbooks? That should be back-office accounting only. Anyway. This cost me $50 today. I would rather pay that $50 to get this working the way it should. Actually, I would pay more than that to have this system use some method of sanity to figure out sales tax.

    Here's what we need. We need an UNLIMITED # of sales tax configurations. That can be attained by maintain tax rates in a separate window, and specify tax groups (like Quickbooks does). Then you assign a tax group to each customer, and mark each item as taxable or not.

    Stuff like this frustrates me to no end. I just don't understand the thought process behind this. Anyway... Just curious if this is ever going to see any development time?

    Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

    As you know RangerMSP is not an accounting system. Nevertheless it does offer flexibility of tax settings at both the Item and customer Account levels.

    When invoicing from RangerMSP to QuickBooks - QuickBooks is the only system that sets the taxes. So, if you are using the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link option let QuickBooks handle all taxes for you and does not use any of the Tax settings and options in RangerMSP (we do not aim to replace QB in regards to tax calculations).

    Having said all this, we have received a few other requests to offer more taxing options right within RangerMSP and we will definitely be looking into this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you believe that it should work.


      Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

      I don't want CommitCRM to be an accounting system. I just want to be able to print an accurate invoice out of CommitCRM. Is that too much to ask?


        Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

        Invoices are generated from RangerMSP but these are QuickBooks invoices and have all correct tax settings as you configure in QB. In any case, we do understand that you're looking for more flexibility in regards to the built in tax module in RangerMSP and we will look into this. Thanks.


          Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

          Getting CommitCRM to give us a correct invoice is something we have wastes many of hours on.

          It never seems correct how matter how much we play with it.


            Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

            I don't necessarily care about printing an "invoice" fromCommitCRM. I want to be able to print a work order or service form that has the correct dollar amount. When the tech is done working we want them to be able to have the customer sign off on the work that was done with the charges associated.


              Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

              Thank you for the clarification.


                Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                We service three counties, with three different tax rates
                County1 6% (Florida Base State Sales Tax)
                County2 6.5% (County1 levy .5%)
                County3 7% (County2 levy 1%)

                How to handle this in the quoting module. Will not be using the QBooks link very soon.

                Thank you


                  Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                  Here's what you should do:

                  Create 3 Tax records for the countries you serves and set a "code" for each:

                  "F" - County1 6% (Florida Base State Sales Tax)
                  "C" - County2 6.5% (County1 levy .5%)
                  "T" County3 7% (County2 levy 1%)

                  Assign all 3 tax codes above to your Item records settings. This is done via the Item properties Window.

                  To each of your customers assign the tax code/s that is/are relevant for them. This is done via the Account's 'Details' tab.


                  The selected Tax/es for the Accounts will affect new Quotes created for this Accounts.

                  Hope this helps.


                    Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                    ...But what happens with County3, County4, County5, etc...


                      Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                      Hey! While answering racassel we expected this follow up question from you :-) For additional countries additional Items can be created. Yes, we have this on file...


                        Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                        Lol, ok.


                          Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                          1.) Seems cumbersome to have to add this to every single item, then, if a county changes rates which happens occasionally, go back and change a thousand items?

                          2.) Is there a way to set default tax codes (3) for all items to reduce the digital drudgery?

                          3.) How will this work with the merge to Quickbooks when I implement it Q3 this year?



                            Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                            1) You do NOT need to update the Items, just the Tax Rate value in the for the Tax definition. Done, this will affect All items using this Tax code immediately.

                            2) Yes, for new Items. Under Tools > Options > Charges & Contracts tab.

                            3) If you use QuickBooks everything related Taxes is solely set by QuickBooks. RangerMSP Tax settings will Not affect any tax related settings or calculation in QuickBooks.



                              Re: Sales Tax Frustrations

                              Yea. :)

