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Invoices created for Quickbooks

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    Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

    CommitCRM Support:

    We need a voting system for feature requests. I know you have a forum topic for it, but I'm sure it is still difficult to track. Have you seen Their system rocks, but is pricey. (See in use at Anyone know a decent alternative? If I find one I'll post. We could use it also.


      Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      We're familiar with GetSatisfaction, a nice tool indeed. I'm not familiar with its pricing, anyway, there's another thing that we are not too excited about using it - the fact that it almost creates a parallel forum to this one (not exactly but close). This will make users visit two, completely separate, "forums", each requires its own user credentials etc. We consider running feature request surveys, however, it is different than a dynamic voting system (which we prefer). A dynamic voting system also helps with prioritizing as there's limited number of votes to each user - a fact that forces everyone to really prioritize their needs. We'll be happy to learn about similar tools or other implementation ideas for this (please use a separate to reply as this is completely off-topic to the current thread).



        Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

        Vernon has already set something up.


          Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

          Thanks ajgyomber.

          I just want to clarify that this is not an official RangerMSP site, i.e. it is not managed by us (great initiative though! thanks Vernon)



            Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

            And on that note can we move this to another thread? :-)


              Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

              I was really hoping to see such an easy feature added to 5.2. Is there any possiblity it will appear in 5.3?

              Let's see where is that product development roadmap / voting system again? :)



                Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                Hi Luke,

                Thanks for that last post...

                If you're referring to automatic marking of invoices in QuickBooks "to be printed", then we have it on our list. :-)

                I've added your vote to it.

                As always, thanks for the great feedback, and keep it coming.

                Reno Breen


                  Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                  CommitCRM Team,

                  "to be emailed" also - we rarely print! I hope this will be an option.

                  We also use classes in QuickBooks, but this may be too much to ask. However, an alternative plan might be to have a settings page of variables or options you can pass to QB and let the CommitCRM user decide which they want to send values with.

                  Can't wait - thanks!


                    Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                    Add me to the vote as well. I was wondering about this feature and glad I found this thread. I hope this comes out soon.


                      Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                      I am in the process of testing CommitCRM CRM and found that my invoices were being created with "To be printed" set in QuickBooks 2009 R8P. I did some testing and it seems to be setting it as a default from the last invoice created from within QuickBooks just as occurs when just using QuickBooks alone. This doesn't appear to be the case with "To be e-mailed" though.

                      This doesn't negate the need for this feature but may be a workaround for some... at least those that still snail mail like me. :-)

                      It could also be used as a marker for invoices that need to be manually changed to "To be e-mailed". Not a great workaround but better than guessing which invoices need to be sent to customers.


                        Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks


                        Great tip! Thank you! I'm on QB 2007 but planning to upgrade to 2010 now that it has released. Hope I see the same results as you.

                        CommitCRM CRM meets our ever need. As you can tell from the forums, the support and communication from the company is superior. We're happy customers here.

                        Best wishes in your testing and decision process.


                          Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                          This behavior is the save for all Quickbooks versions, I believe. It works if you check the box "To be Printed" and then save and close the invoice. Your next invoice will automatically have the box checked.

                          However, this doesn't work if you every have to "uncheck" that box. (Like if you don't want to print the invoice.) - like most of us probably do.

                          I still do not understand, as simple as this would be to implement, why this wasn't there from day 1.

                          Maybe a cup of coffee will help...



                            Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                            Hi Luke,

                            It does actually work when you uncheck the box. CommitCRM invoices will use whatever state the "To be printed" box was in from the last invoice manually created in QuickBooks. Going back and editing an existing invoice does not change this "default", it only changes after creating and saving a new invoice.

                            You are correct, to the best of my recollection the QuickBooks only behavior has been the case for as long as I have been using it which is around 5 or 6 releases of Pro/Premier since version 1999. What I was unsure of is if this is the case when using the QB API across releases as this is the first time I have tried creating invoices in QB from another application.

                            No matter how you look at it, this isn’t a solution but can be used as a short term workaround. In my case, it isn’t a show stopper for me going with CommitCRM but it is a “feature” I would look forward to.



                              Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                              Is this still on the development agenda. It would be nice if we could have the "to be printed" or "to be invoiced" carry over fromCommitCRM. Possibly an account "default action" could be specified, or maybe just a global default action. From the Quickbooks API reference, it does look like this field can be set via the API.



                                Re: Invoices created for Quickbooks

                                Hi Luke,

                                Yes, this is still on our list, we understand how it would help and we plan to implement it in one of our coming releases.
                                Thanks for asking.


